Legal Maxim's

Ratio est legis anima, mutata legis ratione mutatur et lex
— Reason is the soul of the law; when the reason of the law changes the law also is changed.
— In the matter of.
Reprobata pecunia leberat solventem
— Money refused releases the debtor.
— Matter, affair, thing, circumstance.
Res gestae
— Things done.
Res integra
— A matter untouched (by decision).
Res inter alios acta alteri nocere non debet
— Things done between strangers ought not to affect a third person, who is a stranger to the transaction.
Res judicata accipitur pro veritate
— A thing adjudged is accepted for the truth.
Res nulis
— Nobodys property.
Respondeat superior
— Let the principal answer.
Rex est major singulis, minor universis
— The King is greater than individuals, less than all the people.
Rex non debet judicare sed secundum legem
— The King ought not to judge but according to the law.
Rex non potest peccare
— The King can do no wrong.
Rex nunquma moritur
— The King never dies.
Rex quod injustum est facere non potest
— The King cannot do what is unjust.