New User Guide
New User Registration
- At Home page menu bar click on Sign up menu option or at Login page click on 'New User' button
- Enter your valid e-mail ID at 'E-mail' field and click on 'Verify Email', instantly an OTP will be send to your given e-mail address and 'OTP' field open.
- Fill-up all other fields like 'Name', 'User ID', 'Password' etc.
- For OTP, open your mail box for checking out the same and put the same in 'OTP' field. If, you failed to receive OTP please tray above procedure again.
- After putting OTP Click on 'Save' button and read the message.
New User Login
- With the help of User ID and Password, Login the site through Login page.
- After Login new user will get massage for updating his/her profile i.e. full particular for getting more service options and better feedback result.
Setting up or Initialising the software
- At first you have to enter the name of the area/region where you are practicing i.e. Sub-division or District town name through “Add Court Area/region” tab. Try to save from the shown option(s), if available for better result.
Create your 'Court Area/Region' following the steps below :
- Step 1 : Through the link below go to the page "Add Court Area/Region".
- Step 2 : Select State's and District's name.
- Step 3 : In "Court Area/Region" field enter the name of the District or Subdivision Town, ordinarily where you are practicing.
If your user pack allow you More than one Court Area/Region options for additional area/region will appear in the form. Enter data for additional areas/regions where you are also practicing.
Link : Add Court Area/Region
- Secondly; Before making entries of case details and fixed dates, Add name of Court with jurisdiction through Court with Jurisdiction page. There, select Court Area/Region, then click “Add Court through List” button and follow the directions, if failed to found any or your desired option(s) there, please click “Add Court Manually” button and follow the directions.
- Step 1 : Through the link below go to the page 'Court with Jurisdiction'.
- Step 2 : Other than 'Free' and 'Basic' members are required to select from "Court Area/Region" options.
- Step 3 : Try to add Court(s) through given List by clicking 'Add Court through List' button.
- Step 4 : If there is no court with detail or your desired court details are not available in the ready made list, please add the same manually by clicking "Add Court Manually" button and thereafter completely fill up the Form.
Link : Add Court with Jurisdiction
Start to use e-diary by entering your data
From Menu bar select “My Case Diary” and thereafter select “Add New Case” to go to the form page and entering case data press ‘Save’ button and thereafter follow the instructions minutely and enter parties name(s) through “Add Party” form page and Date and Order(s) through “Add Date and Order” form page. This way add more cases and thereafter check your case, parties, Date and Order through relevant register, calendar and/or search your required information by selecting appropriate option available at “My Case Diary” menu.
- Before starting to enter data in your personalized digital advocate diary, please keep it in your mind that you have to fill-up the field completely for getting best output/result. In other words feed more to get maximum, though you are at liberty to complete only mandatory fields.
- For keeping a complete database of your clients, senior Advocates, fellow junior Advocates and Law Clerk, Advocate and Law Clerk of opposite side before entering your Case Details please make a database of all of them by using “Add New Public” form page available at “My Case Diary” menu.
- If you have failed to enter any important data in this digital e-diary (Advocate Diary) please select the one appropriate options from the following like ‘Case Diary’, ‘Up-datable Cases’, ‘Pending Case Register’, ‘Disposed Case Register’, ‘Case Register (Full)’, ‘Public Database’ and ‘Search & Edit Case Record’ and click on respective ‘Details’ button to get details and options for adding, editing and deleting relevant data(s).