Legal Maxim's

Magister rerum usus; magistra rerum experientia
— Use is the master of things; experience is the mistress of things.
Majus est delictum se ipsum occidere quam alium
— It is a greater crime to kill ones self than another.
Mala fide
— In bad faith.
Mala grammatica non vitiat chartam
— Bad grammar does not vitiate a deed.
Mala in se
— Bad in themselves.
Mala prohibita
— Crimes prohibited.
Malitia supplet aesatem
— Malice supplies age.
Malo animo
— With evil intent.
— We command.
Maximus magister erroris populus est
— The people are the greatest master of error.
Melior est conditio possidentis, ubi neuter jus habet
— Better is the condition of the possessor where neither of the two has the right.
Melior testatoris in testamentis spectanda est
— In wills the intention of a testator is to be regarded.
Meliorem conditionem suam facere potest minor deteriorem nequaquam
— A minor can make his position better, never worse.
Mens rea
— Guilty state of mind.
Mentiri est contra mentem ire
— To lie is to act against the mind.
Minatur innocentibus qui parcit nocentibus
— He threatens the innocent who spares the guilty.
Misera est servitus, ubi jus est vagum aut incertum
— It is a miserable slavery where the law is vague or uncertain.
Mors dicitur ultimum supplicium
— Death is called the extreme penalty.
Muilta exercitatione facilius quam regulis percipies
— You will perceive many things more easily by experience than by rules.